We made a list of things we stand for when it comes to communication and multiculturalism. How many of these do you see everyday in your business?
We’ll explore how gender plays out in different languages, different solutions that have risen at national levels, and measures taken at a corporate level.
A new year is coming, as also new trends for language experts. How do people relate? How do they work? How do they consume media?
B2B negotiations and targeting are, in some ways, the same as business to consumer. Some B2B advice for effective communication:
Should you Dub, Sub or Voice over? The reason this question is still on the table is because the choice has no right or wrong answer.
How do you know an outsourced team is on the right track? It doesn’t feel outsourced. For this to happen project managers (PM).
We’re most likely all familiar with Albert Camus, but it hides a dilemma. Between “The Outsider” and “The Stranger” yes.
32 teams and roughly 20 languages are hosted in wildly different countries every four years. How do we make it through World Cup interpretation needs?
Humor doesn’t work the same in all countries. It’s present in our everyday life, in our business life and in relationships with clients.
An agile team is a cross-functional group of people that are organized to work collaboratively in order to deliver a product increment. Agile teams are more adaptable than traditional project groups, work in stages, and do a limited amount of concrete tasks at a time.