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E-learning: how to improve the learning experience

Under the effects of pandemic lockdowns, e-learning has become the great new gateway to career development. For those who wish to expand their enrollment, tapping into e-learning is the way to go. But what are the tricks to creating the e-learning content that your target audience is looking for? With online courses multiplying by the second, […]

diversity, inclusion and multiculturalism
Companies that support diversity, inclusion and multiculturalism

Several companies are transforming to become multicultural and more inclusive workspaces. The globalized world we live in brings a new possibility: working from any part of the globe for companies that can be located very far away. For businesses this represents a huge advantage, because global teams give companies the chance to have a much broader timeframe of coverage. At the same time, it allows to work with the […]

language access
Language access during a pandemic: an essential human right

The year 2020 was marked by an enormous flow of information on the coronavirus, which was both essential to human lives and ever-changing. Governments, language services organizations and medical institutions around the world were faced with a very real challenge: human lives depended on having equal access to information. Find out what was done to tackle this […]

“The morning show”: the power of communication

The Apple TV+ American drama called “The Morning Show” is definitely one of those series that leaves you wanting more. It was released on November 1, 2019, and many fans are hoping to get a second season soon (including us!).   Female lead? Yes, please. The TV show not only stars two amazing actresses such as, Jennifer Aniston and Reese Witherspoon, but they also worked as executive producers of the show. Also, it was directed and produced […]

game localization
Game Localization – Best Practices

The gaming industry is a very complex universe. In fact, it is a universe full of parallel universes. To successfully translate these universes into other locales is a process full of creative, technical, financial and linguistic challenges. A set of best practices put together by experts can be a useful resource for game developers seeking […]

employee retention
Why language is important for employee retention

Language is important and so is employee retention. The link between the two, however, is not always acknowledged in the corporate world. Recent HR studies show that employee retention is a complex phenomenon, driven by much more than compensation and motivation. In this article, we explore the role of language in improving employee retention.  Why […]

Legal Tech
The future of Legal Tech: equal access to justice and a reinvented lawyer

Can you imagine a world where AI can predict court decisions and there is no need to actually go through court processes? Experts such as Richard Susskind can. And the COVID-19 scenario has proven that the future is closer than we imagined. Explore with us the trends in legal tech that can create a fairer access to […]

How can DTP help your business internationally?

DTP or Desktop Publishing can be understood as the creation of documents using page layout software on a personal computer or desktop. Thanks to DTP, any document can become more attractive.   We interviewed our Project Manager and DTP specialist Gerardo Asaduroglu, to talk about why DTP is so important for the translation industry.  What is DTP and what is it used for?  DTP is related to the formatting and layout of a […]

quality in translation
How to guarantee quality in translation

To determine and guarantee quality in translation, we must start by being able to measure it, and to do so, we need to be able to define it. This involves analyzing what it means to ensure quality within a translation.  Our QA Manager, Cecilia Yalangozian shared some really important information with us about how to ensure quality when it comes to translation and why is it […]

technical documentation
The advantages of translating technical documentation

When viewed from a common-sense perspective, user manuals, technical guides and the like are the type of document nobody really thinks about. Admittedly less glamorous than novels and poems, statistics show that technical documents account for most of the global translation output. This is because technical documentation is beneficial. Read on to find out about the advantages of translating […]