Legal | Stillman Translations
Language access - translation and localization services
20 septembre, 2022
The whole world needs accessibility

Accessibility is concerned with whether all users are able to access an equivalent user experience. It’s also a legal requirement. Starting 2022, accessibility within Europe will be prominent within the digital industry. On top of the WCAG rulings, the European Accessibility Act (EAA) published in June makes sure it’s on the agenda.

legal interpretation services
22 mars, 2021
Legal Interpretation Services: a roadmap

The legal interpretation territory can have some moving sands for the inexperienced. Understanding the basic elements of a legal interpretation scenario can be the difference between selecting the right person for the job and learning a useful (but unpleasant) lesson. In this article, we share a list of expert tips and definitions to help you prepare for your next multilingual trial, court hearing or lawyer-client meeting.

Sworn Translations
17 février, 2021
What are Sworn Translations and why are they important?

Do you know what Sworn Translations are and why they are important?  Sworn translations have been increasingly demanded over the past years due to globalization, migration, tourism, and internationalization of markets. Documents and content need to be adapted to the current laws of a specific country.  Find out more about these type of certified translations:  What are Sworn Translations and why are they important?  Sworn […]