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How to be agile and a team player?

An agile team is a cross-functional group of people that are organized to work collaboratively in order to deliver a product increment. Agile teams are more adaptable than traditional project groups, work in stages, and do a limited amount of concrete tasks at a time.

Rethinking the meaning of language.
What is language?

A language is a system of conventional spoken, manual (signed), or written symbols by means of which beings express themselves. The more complex a language is, the more varied its display of functions and characteristics. The typical functions of language include communication, the expression of identity, play, imaginative expression, and emotional release.

Language access - translation and localization services
20 septembre, 2022
The whole world needs accessibility

Accessibility is concerned with whether all users are able to access an equivalent user experience. It’s also a legal requirement. Starting 2022, accessibility within Europe will be prominent within the digital industry. On top of the WCAG rulings, the European Accessibility Act (EAA) published in June makes sure it’s on the agenda.

hate Speach and interpretation
6 septembre, 2022
Hate speech: a multilingual problem for interpretetion

Hate Speech has become a tricky to handle situation, to say the least. Fake news, attacks, trolls and bots are players that were not contemplated when issuing our basic free speech rights. It doesn’t mean that context changes them, but it does bring into question how to handle gray areas.

24 août, 2022
Project Management Trends you should know

We start projects with this adrenaline rush that usually subdues. You see, we can’t really lean on our motivation for a project to make it to the finish line. And in this case, unlike long distance racing, the important thing isn’t only to make it. It’s to make it on time, with the amount of resources set aside for it and having accomplished certain OKRs.

19 août, 2022
Machine translation broken down to the very gist

Deep learning has enabled researchers who know almost nothing about language translation to put together relatively simple machine learning solutions that beat the best in the market. All thanks to sequence-to-sequence learning. The exact same algorithm is used for AI chatbots and describing pictures.