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types of medical translation
Medical Translation: how many types are there?

Coronavirus, COVID-19 or SARS-CoV-2? Measles or rubella? Thorax or chest? Finding the right terminology for medical terms can be a difficult in our first language. Can you imagine having to convert them into an entirely different language? Thankfully, that is what the experts are for. However, the quest to hire the right medical translation professional can be quite daunting.

content marketing
Why Content Marketing Is Important

If content is king, then content marketing is an absolute must for any business. Almost every company in every industry pays attention to content marketing and content creation. Why? Because it works!  Content marketing enables businesses and professionals to increase their website traffic, position their brands, gain recognition, create quality leads, and improve their sales funnel. […]

education sector
Translation services for the education sector

The education sector has multiple needs related to the translation of documents and materials. Today more than ever, globalization is transforming the way we work and live. Migration and multiculturalism are leading schools and institutions to receive students from all parts of the world, who come from different cultures. To ensure that every student has […]

Technology Translation Services

The technology industry is constantly evolving. To make products, software, apps or services available to a worldwide audience, it is essential to have technology translation services. 

Google EAT
Google’s EAT: how to optimize your SEO strategy

So, you are trying to decipher Google’s algorithm, well…aren’t we all?

Each update that Google makes forces us users to make an adjustment to our SEO strategy. Marketers work hard to keep up with Google’s changes, so they prevent their page rankings from sinking. Since August 2018, the concept “E-A-T” has become more noticed in the SEO lexicon. What does this concept mean? Well, basically, it means that to rank well in Google you need to reflect Expertise, Authority, and Trustworthiness (EAT).

travel tourism
The Importance of Localization for the Travel and Tourism Industry

Being able to adjust messaging to international customers is essential for the travel industry.

This is why the pressure to be global in your communication is even stronger than for other types of companies. The best way to achieve this is through localization. Dive into this article for a detailed explanation of the importance of localization for the travel industry.

Sworn Translations
What are Sworn Translations and why are they important?

Do you know what Sworn Translations are and why they are important?  Sworn translations have been increasingly demanded over the past years due to globalization, migration, tourism, and internationalization of markets. Documents and content need to be adapted to the current laws of a specific country.  Find out more about these type of certified translations:  What are Sworn Translations and why are they important?  Sworn […]

Remote interpreting
Remote interpreting: what is it and why is it important?

Remote interpreting helps to facilitate a communication exchange between the participants, no matter where they are located. Remote interpreting services can help any sort of business to have a global reach, as it helps to connect with audiences worldwide. It is used for conferences, and it has grown over the past year to make communication between people that speak different […]

global cx
3 ways to improve global CX

In a fully digitalized and interconnected world, global companies tend to overlook the importance of cultural differences and linguistic emotional connotations. As marketing strategies become more and more customer-centered, it is important to return to market research when creating global CX strategies. In this article, we explore some trends in global customer preferences to help […]