The #Wiphala is the flag of the #Andean peoples.
It has different variations but the most widespread is currently used as an ethnic symbol of the #Aymara people, which has been recognized as a symbol of the #BolivianState, by the 2008 Constitution.
The word Wiphala comes from the Aymara language. “Wiphai” is a triumph exclamation, and “Laphaqi” is when the wind moves an object and it makes a movement such the waiving of a flag. The combination of these 2 words makes up the word Wiphay-Lapx, therefore Whipala.
It also represents the indigenous wisdom inherited from Andean peoples, which symbolizes the principles of Pachakama (universal order) and Pachamama (mother, cosmos) which is space, time, energy and our planet and of the transformation of natural environments into perfect harmony with human beings.
The upper part of the wiphala represents the sun, the day 🌞, while the bottom, the moon, the night 🌛.
The meaning of the colors:
- Red: the planet Earth (aka pacha) It is the expression of the Andean man, the intellectual development and the cosmic philosophy 🌍
- Orange: it represents society and culture 👥. It is the expression of culture, conservation and procreation of the human species; it is health and medicine, it is youth education.
- Yellow: it is the expression of energy and strength 💪 (cha’ama pacha), of moral principles, it is the doctrine of duality (chacha Wami), it is Pachakama and Pachamama; the set of laws and regulations to follow such as brotherhood and human solidarity.
- White: it means time and dialectics (Jaya Pacha), the development of science and technology, arts, intellectual and manual work that generates reciprocity and harmony within the structure of the community 💫
- Green: the color of hope that represents the economy and production of the Andes, the natural resources of the soil and the subsoil, the flora and fauna 🎋
- Blue: cosmic space, the infinite (araxa pacha), is the expression of star systems and natural phenomena 🌠
- Violet: it is the color of harmony; therefore, it represents Andean politics and ideology. The good administration of the state as a superior instance, of social, economic and cultural organizations aimed at obtaining benefits for all.🧔👩👶👳♂️🧕👲