The reason why language matters to improve leadership |
The reason why language matters to improve leadership


Have you ever wondered why language is so important when it comes to leadership? Continue reading to find out more about it!

As in any social environment, the way we communicate conveys a certain intention. The way we express ourselves will have an automatic repercussion on the way the other interlocutor responds. When it comes to a company that wants to scale in the global market, the way it communicates, not only with its target audience but also with its internal staff, will generate a specific sensation of the brand.

Why is leadership language important?

We could all agree that language is an important component of leadership. The words and tone that a person uses in conversations with team members or peers are often a direct reflection of the individual’s leadership style.

When it comes to generating strong leadership, people must pay attention to their communication strategies. To ensure that a team meets its objectives and the organization can grow as a whole, it is essential for the people who make up the team to feel respected, listened to and valued, and to be aware that their leader is there to help them grow and enhance their skills and abilities.

How to improve leadership through language

When it comes to improving leadership in management, we have to think about language and communication.

Building a leadership culture is not easy, but when authentic leadership is developed, it can take any organization to the next level. How can we improve leadership through language? By practicing assertive communication and applying coaching models. Also by analyzing what feedback tools the company should acquire. Through language we can reinforce the sense of belonging and remove barriers to achieve comprehension.

What are the language tools used by effective leaders?

An authentic leader in management needs to have the right skills and tools. Great leadership involves anticipating uncomfortable situations and managing communication channels effectively.

Here are six strategic tools used to achieve effective leadership:

1.      Strategic communication:

Strategic communication means anticipating possible misunderstandings, which basically means moving ahead. It also involves generating proper and accurate dialogical environments to avoid friction between the parties.

When collaborators see that leaders give everyone a chance to speak and take all team members into account to open up instances of dialogue, then amazing things happen. The best way to be strategic is to sustain a positive, patient and empathic attitude towards others.

Respect is not something that is imposed, it is earned. If you want to be respected as a leader, you also have to deserve it.

2. Take emotional intelligence into account:

There are different scenarios in which knowing how to handle emotions is the absolute key to conveying both bad news and achievements or favorable results.

The use of emotional intelligence involves being respectful of other people’s points of view. Perceptions of the same situation can radically change depending on each person’s particular life experience, culture, emotionality, sense of belonging, etc.

It is important to respect different arguments and, even more so, not to make judgments. For effective communication to exist, different points of view must be accepted and respected.

Consider the emotionality and expectations of the interlocutor: What is the interlocutor looking for? Advice or to be heard? Pay attention to how you can help the others.

3. Create space for dialogue and feedback

It is essential to be able to generate space for meetings and dialogue. Team members want to know that their ideas and feelings are respected. In every work space, it is crucial to find each team’s own dynamics. This will make it possible to strengthen relationships and to generate a warm and favorable environment.

It is also important to let employees know that they can and should provide their leaders with feedback to improve and adjust working methodologies.

4. Use positive phrases

Instead of criticizing or judging people for their failure to fulfill an objective or task, it is preferable to resort to correct and positive phrases. For example: “We could optimize this result” or “We are going to refine this process together. What do you suggest that might improve our processes?”

5.  Ask questions

Taking nothing for granted is a great way to improve your leadership role. A good resource might be to carry out monthly questionnaires using an anonymous form so that all team members can elaborate on their needs, visions, points to improve, situations they find favorable and those they find unfavorable.

6. Speak to your collaborators in their own language

This means you should not just avoid sounding too rigid or distant, but also talk to your collaborators as peers. It also involves thinking about a marketing and communication strategy that takes into account each individual’s cultural and linguistic particularities. A multicultural approach is essential to making your employees feel respected in their singularities.
